Facials :: Grooming
Men's grooming and makeup has its origins in evolution. Mother Nature chose to endow the male species with more color and splendor. The more a male stood out from his competition, the greater his chance of attracting a mate. It is for this reason men have had, and always will have a predisposition towards their personal grooming and use of makeup to be prominent in a competitive society.
Men's grooming and skin care first included the use of fragrant oils. As early as 10,000 BC, men were grooming themselves using scented oils and ointments to clean and soften their skin and mask body odor. Mans use of makeup began with dyes and paints that were used to make-up and color the skin, body and hair. At this time men's makeup not only included rouge for their lips and cheeks, but makeup for the nails using henna as a stain. Men's makeup also included the use of Kohl to heavily line the eyes and eyebrows.
Men's grooming and skin care first included the use of fragrant oils. As early as 10,000 BC, men were grooming themselves using scented oils and ointments to clean and soften their skin and mask body odor. Mans use of makeup began with dyes and paints that were used to make-up and color the skin, body and hair. At this time men's makeup not only included rouge for their lips and cheeks, but makeup for the nails using henna as a stain. Men's makeup also included the use of Kohl to heavily line the eyes and eyebrows.